24-hour adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) (dU-Adrnor 1019) (PDF, 137.92 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland |
Finnish Swedish |
24-hour aldosterone in the urine (PDF, 123.03 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland |
Finnish Swedish |
24-hour collection of oxalate in the urine (PDF, 22.47 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland |
Finnish Swedish |
24-hour collection of urate in the urine (PDF, 136.07 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland |
Finnish Swedish |
24-hour dU-HVA 1634, dU-Metnor 2337, dU-MOMA 2345 in the urine (PDF, 238.83 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland |
24-Hour urine 5-hydroxy-indolylacetate (dU-5HIAA) (PDF, 138.01 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland |
Finnish Swedish |
24-Hour urine homovanillinate, metanephrine and normetanephrine and methoxyhydroxymandelate (PDF, 138.24 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland |
Finnish Swedish |
Abdominal ultrasound (PDF, 123.85 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Satakunta |
Finnish |
Acute inflammation of the pancreas (PDF, 35.51 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland |
Finnish Swedish |
After abdominal surgery (PDF, 40.11 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Satakunta |
Finnish |
Albumin from night urine (12h) cU-Alb-Mi (PDF, 135.77 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Satakunta |
Finnish |
albumin in night urine (PDF, 120.86 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland |
Finnish Swedish |
Arterial contrast angiography (PDF, 227.44 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland |
Finnish Swedish |
Bone density scan (PDF, 194.93 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland |
Finnish Swedish |
Brain arterial-venous malformation embolization i.e. av-malformation embolization (PDF, 230.73 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland |
Finnish Swedish |
Breast biopsy (PDF, 127.37 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Satakunta |
Finnish |
Cerebrovascular aneurysm embolization (PDF, 278.79 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland |
Finnish Swedish |
Collecting a urine sample for chlamydia and gonorrhoea test, U-CtGcNhO (PDF, 142.14 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Satakunta |
Finnish |
Collecting a urine sample, basic urinanalyses (PDF, 404.75 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Satakunta |
Finnish |
collection of 24-hour urine (PDF, 22.19 KB) |
The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland |
Finnish Swedish |